Sunday, November 22, 2009


QEC at QUEST was established through an executive order in March 2006 and Prof. Dr. A. H. Memon was given the charge as Director.

2. Prof. Dr. Mahmood Memon was assigned the responsibility as Dean, QEC in October 2006.

Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology, is relatively a new university. The mission is: To improve quality of education To expand areas of education, particularly in the fields of Engineering, Science and Technology. To ensure that systematic quality research is carried out in every department.
Our vision is to endeavour, and employ all the efforts to raise the standard of education at Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science & Technology Nawabshah to the international level, so that this university may find a place in the world class institutions of high learning.

Aims & Objectives
► The major aim to establish Q.E.C at QUEST is to raise the standard of education by applying the procedure of self-Assessment and by getting the feedback from students, graduates, employers, writers and other well-educated persons.
► Academic audit shall be the regular feature of Q.E.C.
► Motivation of students as well as teachers is an other objective of Q.E.C at QUEST.
► Counseling is one of the motives of Q.E.C.
► Not only the teaching but examinations will also be monitored.

Deans’ Committee
Deans’ Committee, consisting of the following persons has been Constituted vide Registrar office Notification No. QUEST/NH/ESTT/-1562 Dated: 21-06-07.
Vice Chancellor ( In Chair)
Dean, Faculty of Engineering
Dean, Faculty of Technology
Dean, Quality Enhancement Cell

Steering Committee

Prof. Dr. Mahmood Memon.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed Memon.
Prof. Dr. Niaz Ahmed Memon.
Formation of PTs
It has been decided that inititially Departmental Committee will act as Program Team.

Model Department
Department of Mechanical Engineering has been selected as Model Department.

Program Teams
The main role of Program Teams is as follows:
· To develop Vision, Mission and objectives of the Department,
· To collect record and analyze the data of the on-going programs in the department,
· To conduct surveys for the Self-Assessment as per guidance of the QEC,
· To prepare & submit Self-Assessment Report (SAR) to QEC through the Chairman/ Director and Dean Concerned within the prescribed time,
· To coordinate with Assessment Team ( At present Steering Task Committee ) during conduct of assessment,
· To participate in meetings with AT, QEC team and Dean Concerned,
· To prepare Implementation Plan based on AT findings and take corrective actions,
· To coordinate with the QEC,
· Any other assignment given by the competent authority form time to time.

The following Department Program Teams have been formed.

1. Department of B.S. & R.S. and
2. Department of Mathematics and Statistics
1. Mr. Iqbal Ahmed Ansari
2. Mr. Abdul Ghafoor Shaikh
3. Mr. Inyatullah Kakepoto

3. Department of Civil Engineering
1. Mr. Abdul Aziz Ansari
2. Mr. Ateeq-ur-Rehman Kazi
3. Mr. Ubedullah Memon

4. Department of Computer System Engg: and
5. Department of Information Technology
1. Mr. Muhammad Ali Soomro
2. Mr. Fayyaz Ahmed Memon
3. Mr. Javeed Akhtar Unar

6. Department of BS(CS)
1. Mr. Azhar Hussain Shah
2. Mr. Liaquat Ali Tunio
3. Mr. Adnan Arain

7. Department of Electrical Engineering
1. Mr. Naresh Kumar Tanwani
2. Mr. Ghulam Shabir Larik
3. Mr. Abdul Sattar Memon

8. Department of Electronic Engineering
1. Dr. Abdul Fatah Chandio
2. Mr. Majid Hussain Memon
3. Ms. Erum Pathan

9. Department of Mechanical Engineering
1. Prof. Dr. Wahid Bux Soomro
2. Mr. Abdul Sami Memon
3. Dr. Abdul Sattar Jamali

10. Department of Energy & Environment
1. Mr. Kishan Chand
2. Mr. Muhammad Mureed Tunio
3. Mr. Fareed Ahmed Mangi

Appraisal Seminar
One day Appraisal Seminar was held on 17-05-2007 which was attended by all the teachers and officers of QUEST.
Prof. Dr. Mahmood Memon talked about Vision, Mission, Aims & Objectives, Action Plan, Evaluation Proformae and other relevant matters.
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hameed Memon explained the procedures of Self Assessment.
A series of similar seminars will be arranged for the students

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