The Central Library has in stock more than 8100 book titles and about 41000 total books related to engineering, science and technology, which is now being housed in the new building near B-Sector. A number of engineering and technology research journals from U.S.A. and U.K. and other countries are on current subscription. Local periodicals are also acquired every month.
There are more than 9000 textbooks in the Book Bank, which are loaned to students for one term on nominal charges. The collection of books is updated continuously and additional books are acquired on the recommendation of senior and subject teachers, which makes the collection most suited and beneficial to the students.
Besides the textbooks, the latest reference materials are also acquired every year to keep the users of the Library abreast with the latest knowledge. Latest text and reference books and journals worth Rs.1.566 million have been added during the fiscal year 2006-2007 to further upgrade the library.
Apart from serving readers with in-house collection, services of inter-library loan, journal articles and photocopies of literature from other national and international libraries are also provided.
Besides the Central library, individual departments have established their own seminar libraries, which cater to specific needs of the departments.
Efforts are being made to computerize all the essential functions of the library.
The facility of digital library is also available where 25000 Research Journals and 500 books can be accessed free for research purpose provided by HEC on line. Students can also avail this facility for their thesis Project purpose.
The Central library has availed VISA Card facility in order to acquire latest books/ research materials direct from publishers on line.
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